Bleach Exhibition
Contact to inquire about artworks, visit here for inquires pertaining to commisions.
Carlos De los Muerto
Self Portrait of Carlos inspired by De los Muerto, incorporating vibrant and symbolic elements that celebrate and honor deceased loved ones.
Bleach on Canvas
48in X 60in
Lana De los Muertos
Portrait of Lana Del Rey, an American singer-song writer noted for her cinematic exploration of tragic romance, glamour, and melancholia. Inspired by De los Muerto, incorporating vibrant and symbolic elements that celebrate and honor deceased loved ones.
Bleach on Canvas
48in X 60in
Mona Lisa
Inspired by the original piece done by Leonardo da Vinci. Carlos has recreated the iconic "Mona Lisa" using his bleach style, adding a distinctive and contemporary twist to the classic masterpiece.
Bleach on Canvas
48in X 72in
Chief Seattle
Bleach on Canvas
48in X 60in
The Greatest: Muhammad Ali
Inspired by Muhammad Ali's journey to becoming the world's greatest boxer and iconic phrase "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see.”
Bleach on Canvas
48in X 60in
Everyday a Star is Born
Portrait of American rapper J. Cole. One of many pieces done of the Fayetteville native by Carlos, bleached live.
Bleach on canvas
60in X 48in
Frankenstein Monster
Portrait of Frankenstein using bleach. Compostion created live during Downtown Fayetteville, NC's Zombie Walk 2021.
Bleach on canvas
48in X 60in
Just Vibing
Tattooed Kaws companion inspired by artist Kaws.
Bleach on canvas
24in X 48in
Just Chilling
Tattooed Kaws companion inspired by artist Kaws.
Bleach on canvas
48in X 24in
Potrait of Tattoo Legend Bill Claydon
Bleach on canvas
60in X 48in
Virgen De Guadalupe
Bleach on canvas
60in X 96in
Not for Sale
"I love you Johnny"
Portrait of Amber Heard using bleach and acrylic paint on garment. Inspired by highly publized divorce trail of Johnny Depth and Amber Heard.
Bleach on canvas
24in X 24in
Johnny in too Deep
Portrait of Johnny Depp using bleach and acrylic paint on garment. Inspired by highly publized divorce trail of Johnny Depth and Amber Heard.
Bleach on canvas
24in X 24in
Hollywood Love Story
Inspired by highly publized divorce trail of Johnny Depth and Amber Heard.
Bleach on canvas
24in X 24in